Deus Noster Logo gold - FEB. 2018
Feeding Programs
Feeding Program Sponsored by Valsorable Family
DNFI members and their relatives sponsor the feeding program to expose families to charity in action and to sow love for neighbor. Special thanks to our sponsor on February 16, 2020 - the Valsorable Family.
Feeding Program Sponsored by St Thomas Becket Academy
DNFI supports the feeding program of one of its mission partners, The Sisters of St John The Baptist, who serves 180 recipients...
Feeding Program Sponsored by Esleta Clan
DNFI members and their family sponsor the feeding program to expose families to charity in action and to sow love for neighbor.
Feeding Program Sponsored by Bautista Family
Special thanks to our sponsor on June 16, 2019 - the Bautista Family. DNFI supports the feeding program of one of its partners, Sisters of St John The Baptist, serving over 180 recipients..
Feeding Program Sponsored by Magtagnob Family
Each quarter, a DNFI member and his/ her family members sponsor the feeding program to expose families to charity in action and to sow love for neighbor.
RGS Feeding Program in Tondo, Manila with DNFI Officer and Family
A DNFI Officer and her family joined the Religious of The Good Shepherd (RGS) Sisters in a feeding program ...
RGS Feeding in Tondo, Manila with DNFI
DNFI joined the Religious of The Good Shepherd (RGS) Sisters in a feeding program for impoverished children living in Happy Land...