Deus Noster Logo gold - FEB. 2018
Presentation of the Research Paper on Public Morals at the ASPAP Conference

The LoCuS Ministry conducts research on society, in particular its moral decadence and shares the results with relevant sectors of society. On 15 November 2019, Gladys P. Nalangan presented her paper entitled “Formulation of an Assessment Tool for PA and Governance HEIs’ Implementation of the Constitutional Provision on Public Morals” at the Association of Schools of Public Administration in the Philippines (ASPAP), Incorporated National Conference and General Assembly at the UP NCPAG. The paper was an output of the Research Project funded by the DNFI. 

Gladys P. Nalangan with ASPAP President Dr. Edwin Martin (to her left) and the other paper presenters

Gladys P. Nalangan with ASPAP President Dr. Edwin Martin (to her left) and the other paper presenters


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